Data Aggregation 

Point aggregates investment data from all underlying Books of Record, across structured and unstructured data types.

Aggregate data from custodians and managers, across all asset classes, and enrich with market data to complete your data foundation.


A complete invesment data picture

To make timely, accurate investment decisions, investment managers must be able to access and analyse as much information as possible.

Point provides this complete and holistic investment picture, across data providers and data types. 

Key Data Aggregation Features

Enhanced Decision-Making-1

Single Source of Truth

Consolidate all investment data into a single, accurate platform. 

Aggregated Data

Data Consistency

Ensure consistent and reliable data across all operations. 

Client Engagement

Automated Reconciliation

Streamline reconciliation processes with automated tools. 


Historical Data Management

Maintain comprehensive historical records for auditability and compliance. 

Automated Reporting

Automated and Manual

Automated feeds to underlying custodians and banks; coupled with intuitive, direct manual entry .

Streamlined, scalable data aggregation

Point provides managers with the ability to deliver multi-custodial and multi-asset business propositions; unlock economies of scale through consolidation; support digital transformation and data migration projects.

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