Advanced Portfolio Analysis
Accurate and timely portfolio analysis is impossible to achieve without the correct data and tools.
Point's advanced analytics and visualization tools offer detailed insights into portfolio performance, risks, and opportunities, facilitating data-driven investment decisions.
Overcoming Analytical Limitations
Many managers continue to rely on spreadsheets to provide the analytical flexibility which their core portfolio management systems lack. This reliance is unsustainable and prone to human error.
Point’s IDI platform addresses these risks, offering a customizable analytical tool kit driving investment decision making.
Key Analytics Features
Advanced Analytics
Point’s unique data architecture and analysis engine places sophisticated investment analytics into the hands of users across the business, enabling informed investment decisions to be made quickly and accurately.
Intuitive Data Exploitation
Designed by investment managers and supported by our flexible data architecture the Point platform delivers data intelligence to users through its intuitive UX without needing large ops team to operate.
Instantaneous Intelligence
The CIO receives instantaneous analysis across single or multiple clients, on a cross or single asset class basis; RMs respond immediately to client questions; and C-Suite and finance team users measure business performance on an ongoing basis.
Build the analytics dashboard you need through our interface of selectable widgets; or design custom analytics to suit your investment process needs via our embedded powerBI capability.
Intelligence led investment decision-making
Manager's must understand and monitor their clients portfolios in great detail.
The Point platform delivers intuitive portfolio analysis - based on accurate, automatically updated data set - into the hands of wealth and asset management businesses.
Portfolio Managers
Gain deep insights into portfolio performance and potential risks.
Support strategic decision-making with comprehensive portfolio insights.
Relationship Managers
Provide clients with detailed and personalized portfolio